Talks archive

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October 2014
Date Title Listen
5th 7:00 PM Is Jesus enough for you?The Complete ChristianColossians1v15-20Jonathan Gregory
5th 11:30 AM What happened when Christ died? SatisfactionThe Cross of ChristIsaiah 53, Romans 3v21-26Neil Powell
September 2014
Date Title Listen
28th 7:00 PM Are you missing out on something?The Complete ChristianColossians 1v1-14Jonathan Gregory
28th 11:30 AM Why did Christ have to die? NecessityThe Cross of ChristIsaiah 6, Romans 2v5-6Neil Powell
21st 7:00 PM Colossians : IntroductionThe Complete ChristianColossiansJonathan Gregory
21st 11:30 AM God's goal - a servant-hearted churchWeekend @ Home 20142 Corinthians 12v11 - 13v14 : Church W/E@Home 4 of 4Ray Evans
14th 7:00 PM How to share the gospel with secular peopleHow to share the GospelActs 17v16 - 34Jonathan Gregory
14th 11:30 AM Does God know best?Attributes of GodRomans 11v33 - 36Neil Powell
7th 7:00 PM How to share the gospel with religious peopleHow to share the GospelActs 17v1 - 15Jonathan Gregory
7th 11:30 AM Does God have a short fuse?Attributes of GodRomans 1v18Hugh Thomson
August 2014
Date Title Listen
31st 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : ZedekiahLooking at the kings2 Kings 24 - 25Barnaby Pain
31st 11:30 AM Is God fair?Attributes of GodRomans 1v18Barnaby Pain
24th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : JosiahLooking at the kings2 Kings 22 - 23Tim Hay
24th 11:30 AM God is jealous! Really?Attributes of GodExodus 34v14John Walley
17th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : ManassehLooking at the kings2 Kings 21Adam Cooper
17th 11:30 AM Is God really good?Attributes of GodIsaiah 6v1 - 7Adam Cooper
10th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : HezekiahLooking at the kings2 Kings 18 - 20Hugh Thomson
10th 11:30 AM Does God love me?Attributes of God1 John 4v7 - 21Howard Jackson
3rd 8:30 PM Looking at the kings : AhazLooking at the kings2 Kings 16 & Isaiah 7John Rochfort
3rd 11:30 AM Can I trust what God says?Knowing GodNumbers 23v19 & John 14v1 - 6Richard Iley
July 2014
Date Title Listen
27th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : JehuLooking at the kings2 Kings 9 - 10Craig Niclasen
27th 11:30 AM How do I get to know God?Attributes of GodHebrews 1v1 - 2Hugh Thomson
20th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : AhabLooking at the kings1 Kings 16 - 22Tom Martin
20th 11:30 AM Does God have a body?Attributes of GodExodus 20v4 - 6Tom Martin
13th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : JeroboamLooking at the kings1 Kings 12 - 14Steve White
13th 11:30 AM Can I trust God with my future?Attributes of GodPsalm 90v1 - 6Neil Powell
6th 6:30 PM FIEC Communion ServiceJohn James
6th 11:30 AM Does God need me?Attributes of GodActs 17v24 - 28Jonathan Gregory
June 2014
Date Title Listen
29th 7:00 PM Looking at the kings : introductionLooking at the kingsNeil Powell
29th 11:30 AM Is God Jekyll and Hyde?Attributes of GodExodus 34v1 - 7Jonathan Gregory
22nd 7:00 PM The relationship perfectedExodusExodus 35 - 40Neil Powell
22nd 11:30 AM Esther 8v1 - 10v3 ' The triumph of God's people'Esther (2014)Hugh Thomson
15th 7:00 PM Grace - the relationship restoredExodusExodus 34v1 - 35Neil Powell
15th 11:30 AM Esther 5v9 - 7v10 ' The tables turned'Esther (2014)Hugh Thomson
8th 7:00 PM Jesus - the relationship protectedExodusExodus 33v1 - 23Neil Powell
8th 11:30 AM Esther 4v1 - 5v8 ' The danger of approaching the king'Esther (2014)Hugh Thomson
1st 7:00 PM Sin - the relationship threatenedExodusExodus 32v1 - 35Neil Powell
1st 11:30 AM Esther 2v19 - 3v15 'The cost of integrity'Esther (2014)Hugh Thomson
May 2014
Date Title Listen
25th 7:00 PM The one who makes it possible for us to live with GodExodusExodus 27v20 - 30v10Neil Powell
25th 11:30 AM Esther 1v1 - 2v18 'The queen of compromise'Esther (2014)Hugh Thomson
18th 7:00 PM All that it takes for God to live with usExodusExodus 24v12 - 27v19Neil Powell
18th 11:30 AM Marriage, Divorce & Singleness : Singleness 3Marriage, Divorce & SinglenessJonathan Gregory
11th 7:00 PM Learning to live as God's peopleExodusExodus 20 - 24v11Neil Powell
11th 11:30 AM Marriage, Divorce & Singleness : Singleness 2Marriage, Divorce & SinglenessJonathan Gregory
4th 7:00 PM Exodus : Overview of Ch 1 - 20ExodusExodus 6v1 - 6 & 19v1 - 8Neil Powell
4th 11:30 AM Marriage, Divorce & Singleness : Singleness 1Marriage, Divorce & SinglenessJonathan Gregory
April 2014
Date Title Listen
27th 7:00 PM 'Who am I?'Genesis 1v26 - 31 & Psalm 8Howard Jackson
27th 11:30 AM Luke 24v13 - 35'24' - the last day in the life of JesusJonathan Gregory
20th 11:30 AM Luke 24v1 - 12'24' - the last day in the life of JesusNeil Powell
13th 7:00 PM Hebrews 12v1 - 3Richard Iley
