Hugh Thomson

December 2005
18th PM Luke 1v26-56LukeHugh Thomson
January 2006
8th AM Luke 2v21-52LukeHugh Thomson
February 2006
12th PM Trusting God who knows all and sees allSong of the DayPsalm 139Hugh Thomson
March 2006
12th PM Dealing with DoubtSong of the NightPsalm 73Hugh Thomson
19th AM Luke 6v12-26LukeHugh Thomson
26th AM Luke 6v27-38LukeHugh Thomson
April 2006
2nd AM Luke 6v39-49LukeHugh Thomson
16th AM Identity in ChristResurrectionRomans 10v9Hugh Thomson
May 2006
21st AM Luke 7v1-17LukeHugh Thomson
28th AM Luke 7v18-35LukeHugh Thomson
August 2006
6th AM Luke 10v25-42LukeHugh Thomson
13th AM Luke 11v1-13LukeHugh Thomson
September 2006
10th AM Luke 12v35-13v9LukeHugh Thomson
October 2006
1st AM Luke 14v1-14LukeHugh Thomson
8th AM RSVP - The Ultimate InvitationLukeLuke 14v15-34Hugh Thomson
15th PM 1 Thessalonians 2v13-3v51 ThessaloniansHugh Thomson
22nd PM 1 Thessalonians 3v6-4v21 ThessaloniansHugh Thomson
January 2007
7th PM John 20v30-31Signs in JohnHugh Thomson
March 2007
18th AM Ezekiel 1EzekielHugh Thomson
18th PM John 11Signs in JohnHugh Thomson
25th AM Ezekiel 2 & 3EzekielHugh Thomson
April 2007
15th AM Ezekiel 8 & 9EzekielHugh Thomson
22nd AM Ezekiel 10 & 11EzekielHugh Thomson
May 2007
27th PM Prayer and Adoration - Hallowed by Thy NamePrayerHugh Thomson
June 2007
10th AM Ezekiel 20-23EzekielHugh Thomson
July 2007
1st PM Prayer and Provision - Give us Today our Daily BreadPrayerHugh Thomson
8th AM Ezekiel 34EzekielHugh Thomson
15th AM Ezekiel 35v1-36v15EzekielHugh Thomson
15th PM Hebrews 12v1-11One OffHugh Thomson
22nd PM Prayer and Protection: Lead us not into Temptation but Deliver us from the Evil OnePrayerHugh Thomson
September 2007
30th AM 1 Peter 1v13-2v21 PeterHugh Thomson
October 2007
7th AM 1 Peter 2v4-121 PeterHugh Thomson
November 2007
18th AM 1 Peter 3v8-161 PeterHugh Thomson
25th AM 1 Peter 3v17-4v61 PeterHugh Thomson
25th PM Paradise LostGenesisGenesis 3v1-7Hugh Thomson
December 2007
2nd AM 1 Peter 4v7-191 PeterHugh Thomson
2nd PM Why is the World the Way it is?GenesisGenesis 3v8-19Hugh Thomson
9th PM Paradise Restored?GenesisGenesis 3v20-24Hugh Thomson
23rd AM John 1v14One OffHugh Thomson
January 2008
6th AM Introduction to the Vision of City ChurchCity Church VisionHugh Thomson
February 2008
10th AM To Serve You...the Whole LifeCity Church VisionHugh Thomson
17th AM To Serve You...the Whole ChurchCity Church VisionHugh Thomson
17th PM Waiting for JesusThe End of the WorldHugh Thomson
24th PM Dying...and then?The End of the WorldHugh Thomson
March 2008
2nd PM Before God's ThroneThe End of the WorldHugh Thomson
16th PM Eternal DestinyThe End of the WorldHugh Thomson
May 2008
18th PM 1 Corinthians 3v1-171 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
25th PM 1 Corinthians 3v18-4v51 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
June 2008
1st AM 1 Samuel 12v1-251 SamuelHugh Thomson
1st PM 1 Corinthians 4v6-211 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
8th AM 1 Samuel 13v1-14v521 SamuelHugh Thomson
15th AM 1 Samuel 15v1-351 SamuelHugh Thomson
July 2008
6th AM 1 Samuel 18v1-19v241 SamuelHugh Thomson
13th AM 1 Samuel 20v1-421 SamuelHugh Thomson
13th PM 1 Corinthians 91 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
August 2008
3rd PM 1 Corinthians 11v17-341 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
24th AM Psalm 8One OffHugh Thomson
24th PM 1 Corinthians 141 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
31st AM Psalm 56One OffHugh Thomson
September 2008
21st PM Introduction to the Sermon on the MountLife in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountHugh Thomson
October 2008
26th AM 2 Samuel 11v1-12v302 SamuelHugh Thomson
November 2008
9th AM 2 Samuel 13v23-14v332 SamuelHugh Thomson
16th AM 2 Samuel 15v1-17v292 SamuelHugh Thomson
23rd AM 2 Samuel 18v1-20v262 SamuelHugh Thomson
30th AM 2 Samuel 21v1-23v72 SamuelHugh Thomson
30th PM Matthew 7v1-12Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountHugh Thomson
December 2008
7th PM Faking It - What is Authentic Christianity?Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountMatthew 7v13-29Hugh Thomson
February 2009
15th PM Why Do I Have a Body?The BodyHugh Thomson
22nd PM How Should I Take Care of my Body?The BodyHugh Thomson
March 2009
1st PM What Does My Body Say About Me?The BodyHugh Thomson
8th PM How Should I Use My Body?The BodyHugh Thomson
15th AM Luke 22v24-38LukeHugh Thomson
22nd AM Luke 22v39-53LukeHugh Thomson
29th AM Luke 22v54-62LukeHugh Thomson
April 2009
5th AM Luke 22v63-23v25LukeHugh Thomson
10th PM Good FridayLukeLuke 23v26-43Hugh Thomson
May 2009
3rd PM Genesis 39v21-40v23Life of JosephHugh Thomson
10th PM Genesis 41v1-57Life of JosephHugh Thomson
24th AM 2 Corinthians 1v1-112 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
31st AM 2 Corinthians 1v12-2v42 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
June 2009
7th AM 2 Corinthians 2v5-112 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
14th PM Genesis 48v1-49v28Life of JosephHugh Thomson
21st PM Genesis 49v29-50v26Life of JosephHugh Thomson
July 2009
12th PM 2 Timothy 2v1-132 TimothyHugh Thomson
19th AM 2 Corinthians 6v3-7v162 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
August 2009
16th AM 2 Corinthians 11v1-152 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
23rd AM 2 Corinthians 11v16-332 CorinthiansHugh Thomson
23rd PM God's Unfaithful WifeHoseaHosea 1v1-3v5Hugh Thomson
30th PM God's Unrepentant PeopleHoseaHosea 6v1-7v2Hugh Thomson
September 2009
6th PM God's Ungrateful ChildHoseaHosea 11v1-11Hugh Thomson
13th PM God's Unfailing MercyHoseaHosea 14v1-9Hugh Thomson
20th PM Revelation OverviewRevelationHugh Thomson
27th PM The Revelation of Jesus ChristRevelationRevelation 1Hugh Thomson
October 2009
4th PM What Does Jesus Think of the Church?RevelationRevelation 2-3Hugh Thomson
11th PM Praising Jesus in GloryRevelationRevelation 4-5Hugh Thomson
18th PM Waiting for the Completion of the ChurchRevelationRevelation 6-7Hugh Thomson
25th PM Witnessing in a Hostile WorldRevelationRevelation 8-11Hugh Thomson
November 2009
8th PM The Downfall of SatanRevelationRevelation 12Hugh Thomson
15th PM Persecution: Political and ReligiousRevelationRevelation 13Hugh Thomson
22nd PM Judgement of God's EnemiesRevelationRevelation 14-16Hugh Thomson
