Hugh Thomson
18th PM | Luke 1v26-56LukeHugh Thomson |
8th AM | Luke 2v21-52LukeHugh Thomson |
12th PM | Trusting God who knows all and sees allSong of the DayPsalm 139Hugh Thomson |
12th PM | Dealing with DoubtSong of the NightPsalm 73Hugh Thomson | |
19th AM | Luke 6v12-26LukeHugh Thomson | |
26th AM | Luke 6v27-38LukeHugh Thomson |
2nd AM | Luke 6v39-49LukeHugh Thomson | |
16th AM | Identity in ChristResurrectionRomans 10v9Hugh Thomson |
21st AM | Luke 7v1-17LukeHugh Thomson | |
28th AM | Luke 7v18-35LukeHugh Thomson |
6th AM | Luke 10v25-42LukeHugh Thomson | |
13th AM | Luke 11v1-13LukeHugh Thomson |
10th AM | Luke 12v35-13v9LukeHugh Thomson |
1st AM | Luke 14v1-14LukeHugh Thomson | |
8th AM | RSVP - The Ultimate InvitationLukeLuke 14v15-34Hugh Thomson | |
15th PM | 1 Thessalonians 2v13-3v51 ThessaloniansHugh Thomson | |
22nd PM | 1 Thessalonians 3v6-4v21 ThessaloniansHugh Thomson |
7th PM | John 20v30-31Signs in JohnHugh Thomson |
18th AM | Ezekiel 1EzekielHugh Thomson | |
18th PM | John 11Signs in JohnHugh Thomson | |
25th AM | Ezekiel 2 & 3EzekielHugh Thomson |
15th AM | Ezekiel 8 & 9EzekielHugh Thomson | |
22nd AM | Ezekiel 10 & 11EzekielHugh Thomson |
27th PM | Prayer and Adoration - Hallowed by Thy NamePrayerHugh Thomson |
10th AM | Ezekiel 20-23EzekielHugh Thomson |
30th AM | 1 Peter 1v13-2v21 PeterHugh Thomson |
7th AM | 1 Peter 2v4-121 PeterHugh Thomson |
18th AM | 1 Peter 3v8-161 PeterHugh Thomson | |
25th AM | 1 Peter 3v17-4v61 PeterHugh Thomson | |
25th PM | Paradise LostGenesisGenesis 3v1-7Hugh Thomson |
2nd AM | 1 Peter 4v7-191 PeterHugh Thomson | |
2nd PM | Why is the World the Way it is?GenesisGenesis 3v8-19Hugh Thomson | |
9th PM | Paradise Restored?GenesisGenesis 3v20-24Hugh Thomson | |
23rd AM | John 1v14One OffHugh Thomson |
6th AM | Introduction to the Vision of City ChurchCity Church VisionHugh Thomson |
2nd PM | Before God's ThroneThe End of the WorldHugh Thomson | |
16th PM | Eternal DestinyThe End of the WorldHugh Thomson |
18th PM | 1 Corinthians 3v1-171 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
25th PM | 1 Corinthians 3v18-4v51 CorinthiansHugh Thomson |
1st AM | 1 Samuel 12v1-251 SamuelHugh Thomson | |
1st PM | 1 Corinthians 4v6-211 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
8th AM | 1 Samuel 13v1-14v521 SamuelHugh Thomson | |
15th AM | 1 Samuel 15v1-351 SamuelHugh Thomson |
6th AM | 1 Samuel 18v1-19v241 SamuelHugh Thomson | |
13th AM | 1 Samuel 20v1-421 SamuelHugh Thomson | |
13th PM | 1 Corinthians 91 CorinthiansHugh Thomson |
3rd PM | 1 Corinthians 11v17-341 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
24th AM | Psalm 8One OffHugh Thomson | |
24th PM | 1 Corinthians 141 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
31st AM | Psalm 56One OffHugh Thomson |
21st PM | Introduction to the Sermon on the MountLife in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountHugh Thomson |
26th AM | 2 Samuel 11v1-12v302 SamuelHugh Thomson |
7th PM | Faking It - What is Authentic Christianity?Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountMatthew 7v13-29Hugh Thomson |
15th PM | Why Do I Have a Body?The BodyHugh Thomson | |
22nd PM | How Should I Take Care of my Body?The BodyHugh Thomson |
1st PM | What Does My Body Say About Me?The BodyHugh Thomson | |
8th PM | How Should I Use My Body?The BodyHugh Thomson | |
15th AM | Luke 22v24-38LukeHugh Thomson | |
22nd AM | Luke 22v39-53LukeHugh Thomson | |
29th AM | Luke 22v54-62LukeHugh Thomson |
5th AM | Luke 22v63-23v25LukeHugh Thomson | |
10th PM | Good FridayLukeLuke 23v26-43Hugh Thomson |
7th AM | 2 Corinthians 2v5-112 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
14th PM | Genesis 48v1-49v28Life of JosephHugh Thomson | |
21st PM | Genesis 49v29-50v26Life of JosephHugh Thomson |
12th PM | 2 Timothy 2v1-132 TimothyHugh Thomson | |
19th AM | 2 Corinthians 6v3-7v162 CorinthiansHugh Thomson |
16th AM | 2 Corinthians 11v1-152 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
23rd AM | 2 Corinthians 11v16-332 CorinthiansHugh Thomson | |
23rd PM | God's Unfaithful WifeHoseaHosea 1v1-3v5Hugh Thomson | |
30th PM | God's Unrepentant PeopleHoseaHosea 6v1-7v2Hugh Thomson |
6th PM | God's Ungrateful ChildHoseaHosea 11v1-11Hugh Thomson | |
13th PM | God's Unfailing MercyHoseaHosea 14v1-9Hugh Thomson | |
20th PM | Revelation OverviewRevelationHugh Thomson | |
27th PM | The Revelation of Jesus ChristRevelationRevelation 1Hugh Thomson |
4th PM | What Does Jesus Think of the Church?RevelationRevelation 2-3Hugh Thomson | |
11th PM | Praising Jesus in GloryRevelationRevelation 4-5Hugh Thomson | |
18th PM | Waiting for the Completion of the ChurchRevelationRevelation 6-7Hugh Thomson | |
25th PM | Witnessing in a Hostile WorldRevelationRevelation 8-11Hugh Thomson |
8th PM | The Downfall of SatanRevelationRevelation 12Hugh Thomson | |
15th PM | Persecution: Political and ReligiousRevelationRevelation 13Hugh Thomson | |
22nd PM | Judgement of God's EnemiesRevelationRevelation 14-16Hugh Thomson |