Sunday Evening

November 2008
16th PM Matthew 6v19-24Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountMatthew 6v19-24Neil Powell
23rd PM Matthew 6v25-34Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountNeil Powell
30th PM Matthew 7v1-12Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountHugh Thomson
December 2008
7th PM Faking It - What is Authentic Christianity?Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountMatthew 7v13-29Hugh Thomson
January 2009
4th PM Priorities for 2009 from Paul's PrayersOne OffJonny Moore
11th PM CreationAn Inconvenient Truth?John Stevens
18th PM The Revenge of GaiaAn Inconvenient Truth?Neil Powell
25th PM Friends of the Earth - What Does It Mean for Christians to Care for the Environment?An Inconvenient Truth?Neil Powell
February 2009
8th PM 1 Kings 17World Mission Day 2009Colin Tamplin
15th PM Why Do I Have a Body?The BodyHugh Thomson
22nd PM How Should I Take Care of my Body?The BodyHugh Thomson
March 2009
1st PM What Does My Body Say About Me?The BodyHugh Thomson
8th PM How Should I Use My Body?The BodyHugh Thomson
15th PM Losing My Religion - Why Religion won't get you to GodOne OffLuke 18v9-14Neil Powell
22nd PM Stewardship: Money and Resources 1Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens
29th PM Stewardship: Money and Possessions 2Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens
April 2009
5th PM Stewardship: Money and Possessions 3Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens
10th PM Good FridayLukeLuke 23v26-43Hugh Thomson
19th PM Genesis 37v1-26Life of JosephNeil Powell
26th PM Genesis 39v1-21Life of JosephNeil Powell
May 2009
3rd PM Genesis 39v21-40v23Life of JosephHugh Thomson
10th PM Genesis 41v1-57Life of JosephHugh Thomson
17th PM Malachi 3v6-18Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2009Malachi 3v6-18John Stevens
24th PM Genesis 42v1-38Life of JosephJohn Stevens
31st PM Genesis 43v1-45v28Life of JosephJohn Taylor
June 2009
7th PM Genesis 44v1-47v31Life of JosephJohn Stevens
14th PM Genesis 48v1-49v28Life of JosephHugh Thomson
21st PM Genesis 49v29-50v26Life of JosephHugh Thomson
28th PM 2 Timothy 1v1-122 TimothyJohn Stevens
July 2009
5th PM 2 Timothy 1v13-182 TimothyJonathan Worsley
12th PM 2 Timothy 2v1-132 TimothyHugh Thomson
19th PM 2 Timothy 2v14-262 TimothyDavid Shaw
26th PM 2 Timothy 3v1-92 TimothyJohn Stevens
August 2009
2nd PM 2 Timothy 3v10-172 TimothySteve White
9th PM 2 Timothy 4v1-82 TimothyJohn Stevens
16th PM 2 Timothy 4v9-222 TimothyMike Summerfield
23rd PM God's Unfaithful WifeHoseaHosea 1v1-3v5Hugh Thomson
30th PM God's Unrepentant PeopleHoseaHosea 6v1-7v2Hugh Thomson
September 2009
6th PM God's Ungrateful ChildHoseaHosea 11v1-11Hugh Thomson
13th PM God's Unfailing MercyHoseaHosea 14v1-9Hugh Thomson
20th PM Revelation OverviewRevelationHugh Thomson
27th PM The Revelation of Jesus ChristRevelationRevelation 1Hugh Thomson
October 2009
4th PM What Does Jesus Think of the Church?RevelationRevelation 2-3Hugh Thomson
11th PM Praising Jesus in GloryRevelationRevelation 4-5Hugh Thomson
18th PM Waiting for the Completion of the ChurchRevelationRevelation 6-7Hugh Thomson
November 2009
8th PM The Downfall of SatanRevelationRevelation 12Hugh Thomson
15th PM Persecution: Political and ReligiousRevelationRevelation 13Hugh Thomson
22nd PM Judgement of God's EnemiesRevelationRevelation 14-16Hugh Thomson
29th PM Judgement and VindicationRevelationRevelation 17-19Hugh Thomson
December 2009
6th PM The Final ReckoningRevelationRevelation 20Hugh Thomson
13th PM A New Heaven and a New EarthRevelationRevelation 21-22Hugh Thomson
20th PM Carols by CandlelightOne OffChristmasHugh Thomson
20th PM Carols by CandlelightJonathan Gregory
January 2010
3rd PM Acts 6v8-15 & 7v54-60One OffHoward Jackson
10th PM Proverbs and WisdomProverbsHugh Thomson
17th PM Proverbs and the Fear of the LordProverbsNeil Powell
24th PM Proverbs and PossessionsProverbsNeil Powell
31st PM Proverbs and FriendsProverbsAndrew Evans
February 2010
7th PM Proverbs and RelationshipsProverbsJohn Stevens
14th PM Ephesians 2v11-22World Mission Day 2010Philip Bingham
21st PM Proverbs and AlcoholProverbsJohn Taylor
28th PM Proverbs and PlanningProverbsNeil Powell
March 2010
7th PM Proverbs and PrideProverbsNeil Powell
14th PM Proverbs and GodlinessProverbsNeil Powell
21st PM Hebrews 1v1-4 & 3v7-4v13One OffJohn Stevens
April 2010
11th PM Proverbs and ContentmentProverbsNeil Powell
18th AM John 21Signs in JohnHugh Thomson
18th PM Proverbs and Old AgeProverbsHugh Thomson
25th PM 2 Peter 1v1-112 PeterHugh Thomson
May 2010
2nd PM 2 Peter 1v12-212 PeterJohn Taylor
9th PM 2 Peter 22 Peter2 Peter 2Hugh Thomson
16th PM 2 Peter 32 PeterHugh Thomson
23rd PM Matthew 6v19-24Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2010Matthew 6v19-24Neil Powell
23rd PM Matthew 6v19-24Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2008Neil Powell
30th PM Do All Roads Lead to God?One OffKrish Kandiah
June 2010
6th PM Chariots of FireElisha - A Man Like Jesus2 Kings 2Neil Powell
13th PM The Miracle-MakerElisha - A Man Like Jesus2 Kings 4Neil Powell
20th PM The God Of All PeoplesElisha - A Man Like Jesus2 Kings 5Neil Powell
27th PM Chariots of Fire: The ReturnElisha - A Man Like Jesus2 Kings 6-7Neil Powell
July 2010
4th PM A Prophet of DoomElisha - A Man Like Jesus2 Kings 8Neil Powell
11th PM Nothing Shall Separate UsThis We Know: God's Precious PromisesRomans 8v35-39Hugh Thomson
18th PM In All Things God Works For GoodThis We Know: God's Precious PromisesRomans 8v28Hugh Thomson
25th PM God Answers PrayerThis We Know: God's Precious Promises1 John 5v14-15Hugh Thomson
August 2010
1st PM God Will Supply All Your NeedsThis We Know: God's Precious PromisesPhilippians 4v19David Shaw
8th PM God Will Not Let You Be Tempted Beyond What You Can BearThis We Know: God's Precious Promises1 Corinthians 10v13John Taylor
15th PM Our Labour is Not in VainThis We Know: God's Precious Promises1 Corinthians 15v58Neil Powell
22nd PM The Peace of God will Guard your HeartsThis We Know: God's Precious PromisesPhilippians 4v7Hugh Thomson
29th PM He Who Believes in Me Will LiveThis We Know: God's Precious PromisesJohn 11v25Neil Powell
September 2010
5th PM No-One Can Snatch Them Out of my Hand This We Know: God's Precious PromisesJohn 10v28Hugh Thomson
19th PM The Final WordHebrewsHebrews 1v1-4Neil Powell
26th PM Don't Drift Away!HebrewsHebrews 1v1-2v4Neil Powell
October 2010
3rd PM Band of BrothersHebrewsHebrews 2v5-18Neil Powell
10th PM Hold on TightHebrewsHebrews 3v1-4v13Neil Powell
17th PM Find Help in our Time of NeedHebrewsHebrews 4v14-5v10Neil Powell
24th PM Confident of Better ThingsHebrewsHebrews 5v11-6v12Hugh Thomson
31st PM Mel Who?HebrewsHebrews 6v13-7v28Neil Powell
November 2010
7th PM A Better CovenantHebrewsHebrews 8Neil Powell
14th PM Losing My ReligionHebrewsHebrews 9v1-10v18Neil Powell
21st PM Keep Going As A ChristianHebrewsHebrews 10v19-39Neil Powell
28th PM Heroes Of The FaithHebrewsHebrews 11Hugh Thomson
