John Stevens
11th AM | Luke 1v5-25 & 57-80LukeJohn Stevens |
15th AM | Luke 3v1-20LukeJohn Stevens | |
29th AM | Luke 3v21-4v13LukeJohn Stevens |
12th AM | Luke 4v14-30LukeJohn Stevens | |
19th AM | Luke 4v31-44LukeJohn Stevens | |
26th PM | Contending with AnxietySong of the NightPsalm 55John Stevens |
19th PM | Finding Confidence for the FutureSong of HopePsalm 91John Stevens |
23rd AM | New LifeResurrectionRomans 6v4John Stevens |
11th AM | Luke 8v1-21LukeJohn Stevens | |
18th AM | Luke 8v22-39LukeJohn Stevens | |
25th AM | Luke 8v40-56LukeJohn Stevens |
20th AM | Luke 11v14-36LukeJohn Stevens |
3rd AM | Luke 12v13-34LukeJohn Stevens |
15th AM | Luke 15v1-31LukeJohn Stevens | |
22nd AM | Luke 16v1-31LukeJohn Stevens | |
29th PM | 1 Thessalonians 4v1-121 ThessaloniansJohn Stevens |
3rd AM | Luke 19v11-27LukeJohn Stevens | |
10th AM | Luke 19v28-44LukeJohn Stevens |
18th PM | John 6v1-15Signs in JohnJohn Stevens | |
25th PM | John 6Signs in JohnJohn Stevens |
4th AM | Romans 6v1-14One OffJohn Stevens |
1st AM | Ezekiel 4-7EzekielJohn Stevens | |
22nd PM | How Can We Pray?PrayerJohn Stevens |
20th AM | Ezekiel 15-17EzekielJohn Stevens |
3rd PM | What Would Jesus Say to Germane Greer?ContactJohn Stevens | |
24th AM | Ezekiel 25-32EzekielJohn Stevens |
1st AM | Ezekiel 33EzekielJohn Stevens | |
8th PM | Prayer and Confession - Forgive us our Sins, as we Forgive OthersPrayerJohn Stevens |
9th AM | The Life of Peter in Acts1 PeterJohn Stevens | |
9th PM | Blessings in ChristOne OffEphesians 1v1-14John Stevens |
14th AM | 1 Peter 2v13-171 PeterJohn Stevens | |
14th PM | Who Are We?GenesisGenesis 1v26-27John Stevens | |
21st PM | Why Are We Here?GenesisGenesis 1v28-31John Stevens | |
28th PM | Where Are We Going?GenesisGenesis 2v1-3John Stevens |
4th AM | 1 Peter 2v18-251 PeterJohn Stevens | |
11th AM | 1 Peter 3v1-71 PeterJohn Stevens |
16th AM | Carol ServiceOne OffJohn Stevens | |
25th AM | Christmas DayOne OffJohn Stevens |
3rd AM | To Serve You...the Whole PersonCity Church VisionJohn Stevens | |
10th PM | How to be a Great LoverOne OffJohn Stevens |
4th PM | 1 Corinthians 2v6-161 CorinthiansJohn Stevens | |
18th AM | 1 Samuel 8v1-221 SamuelJohn Stevens | |
25th AM | 1 Samuel 9v1-11v141 SamuelJohn Stevens |
22nd AM | 1 Samuel 16v1-131 SamuelJohn Stevens | |
29th AM | 1 Samuel 16v14-17v381 SamuelJohn Stevens |
6th PM | 1 Corinthians 81 CorinthiansJohn Stevens | |
27th PM | 1 Corinthians 11v2-161 CorinthiansJohn Stevens |
7th AM | 2 Samuel 1v1-2v72 SamuelJohn Stevens | |
14th AM | 2 Samuel 2v8-5v52 SamuelJohn Stevens | |
14th PM | 1 Corinthians 161 CorinthiansJohn Stevens | |
28th AM | 2 Samuel 5v6-6v232 SamuelJohn Stevens |
2nd PM | Matthew 5v38-48Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountJohn Stevens |
7th AM | 2 Samuel 23v8-24v252 SamuelJohn Stevens | |
14th AM | Luke 1v26-38One OffJohn Stevens |
4th AM | Recap of Luke's GospelLukeJohn Stevens | |
11th AM | Luke 19v45-48LukeJohn Stevens | |
11th PM | CreationAn Inconvenient Truth?John Stevens | |
18th AM | Luke 20v1-18LukeJohn Stevens |
22nd PM | Stewardship: Money and Resources 1Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens | |
29th PM | Stewardship: Money and Possessions 2Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens |
5th PM | Stewardship: Money and Possessions 3Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens | |
19th AM | Luke 24v13-35LukeJohn Stevens | |
26th AM | Luke 24v38-49LukeJohn Stevens |
3rd AM | Luke 24v50-53LukeJohn Stevens | |
17th PM | Malachi 3v6-18Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2009Malachi 3v6-18John Stevens | |
17th PM | Malachi 3v6-18Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2008John Stevens | |
24th PM | Genesis 42v1-38Life of JosephJohn Stevens |
7th PM | Genesis 44v1-47v31Life of JosephJohn Stevens | |
21st AM | 2 Corinthians 3v7-182 CorinthiansJohn Stevens | |
28th PM | 2 Timothy 1v1-122 TimothyJohn Stevens |
26th AM | 2 Corinthians 8v1-242 CorinthiansJohn Stevens | |
26th PM | 2 Timothy 3v1-92 TimothyJohn Stevens |
9th PM | 2 Timothy 4v1-82 TimothyJohn Stevens |
3rd AM | A Passion for the LostLead Up to A Passion for LifeRomans 10John Stevens | |
17th AM | A Parable for LifeLead Up to A Passion for LifeMark 4John Stevens | |
24th AM | A Passion for ChristLead Up to A Passion for LifeMatthew 28v16-20John Stevens |
7th PM | Proverbs and RelationshipsProverbsJohn Stevens |
21st AM | Jeremiah 29v1-14 & Romans 8v28-30One OffJohn Stevens | |
21st PM | Hebrews 1v1-4 & 3v7-4v13One OffJohn Stevens |
5th AM | Matthew 1v18-25One OffJohn Stevens |
9th PM | The Dignity Of WorkWork2 Thessalonians 3v6-15; 1 Timothy 5v11-15; Genesis 1v26-28; Genesis 3v16-19; Philippians 4v11-13John Stevens | |
16th PM | The Difficulty Of WorkWorkEphesians 6v5-8John Stevens |
4th AM | Unbelievable?MatthewMatthew 16v21-17v23John Stevens | |
4th PM | Sovereignty & EvangelismSovereigntyActs 13v26-42John Stevens |
4th PM | FIEC 90th Anniversary Celebration John Stevens | |
4th PM | FIEC 90th Anniversary Service (joint service)John Stevens |
8th PM | Praying for Gods's protectionTeach us to pray - learning to pray from JesusJohn Stevens |
12th PM | Why share the gospel?Luke 15v1 - 32John Stevens |
28th AM | How God's Kingdom comesMark's GospelMark 4v26-34John Stevens |
3rd PM | FIEC Joint CelebrationOne Off tbaJohn Stevens |
7th AM | Go and tell - our glorious mission for our glorious KingOne OffIsaiah 6:1 - 13John Stevens |