John Stevens

December 2005
11th AM Luke 1v5-25 & 57-80LukeJohn Stevens
January 2006
15th AM Luke 3v1-20LukeJohn Stevens
29th AM Luke 3v21-4v13LukeJohn Stevens
February 2006
12th AM Luke 4v14-30LukeJohn Stevens
19th AM Luke 4v31-44LukeJohn Stevens
26th PM Contending with AnxietySong of the NightPsalm 55John Stevens
March 2006
19th PM Finding Confidence for the FutureSong of HopePsalm 91John Stevens
April 2006
23rd AM New LifeResurrectionRomans 6v4John Stevens
June 2006
11th AM Luke 8v1-21LukeJohn Stevens
18th AM Luke 8v22-39LukeJohn Stevens
25th AM Luke 8v40-56LukeJohn Stevens
August 2006
20th AM Luke 11v14-36LukeJohn Stevens
September 2006
3rd AM Luke 12v13-34LukeJohn Stevens
October 2006
15th AM Luke 15v1-31LukeJohn Stevens
22nd AM Luke 16v1-31LukeJohn Stevens
29th PM 1 Thessalonians 4v1-121 ThessaloniansJohn Stevens
December 2006
3rd AM Luke 19v11-27LukeJohn Stevens
10th AM Luke 19v28-44LukeJohn Stevens
February 2007
18th PM John 6v1-15Signs in JohnJohn Stevens
25th PM John 6Signs in JohnJohn Stevens
March 2007
4th AM Romans 6v1-14One OffJohn Stevens
April 2007
1st AM Ezekiel 4-7EzekielJohn Stevens
22nd PM How Can We Pray?PrayerJohn Stevens
May 2007
20th AM Ezekiel 15-17EzekielJohn Stevens
June 2007
3rd PM What Would Jesus Say to Germane Greer?ContactJohn Stevens
24th AM Ezekiel 25-32EzekielJohn Stevens
July 2007
1st AM Ezekiel 33EzekielJohn Stevens
8th PM Prayer and Confession - Forgive us our Sins, as we Forgive OthersPrayerJohn Stevens
September 2007
9th AM The Life of Peter in Acts1 PeterJohn Stevens
9th PM Blessings in ChristOne OffEphesians 1v1-14John Stevens
October 2007
14th AM 1 Peter 2v13-171 PeterJohn Stevens
14th PM Who Are We?GenesisGenesis 1v26-27John Stevens
21st PM Why Are We Here?GenesisGenesis 1v28-31John Stevens
28th PM Where Are We Going?GenesisGenesis 2v1-3John Stevens
November 2007
4th AM 1 Peter 2v18-251 PeterJohn Stevens
11th AM 1 Peter 3v1-71 PeterJohn Stevens
December 2007
16th AM Carol ServiceOne OffJohn Stevens
25th AM Christmas DayOne OffJohn Stevens
January 2008
13th AM To Serve...City Church VisionJohn Stevens
20th AM To Serve...with the Good News of Jesus Christ 1City Church VisionJohn Stevens
27th AM To Serve...with the Good News of Jesus Christ 2City Church VisionJohn Stevens
February 2008
3rd AM To Serve You...the Whole PersonCity Church VisionJohn Stevens
10th PM How to be a Great LoverOne OffJohn Stevens
April 2008
6th PM 1 Corinthians 1v1-171 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
13th PM 1 Corinthians 1v18-251 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
20th PM 1 Corinthians 1v26-311 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
27th PM 1 Corinthians 2v1-51 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
May 2008
4th PM 1 Corinthians 2v6-161 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
18th AM 1 Samuel 8v1-221 SamuelJohn Stevens
25th AM 1 Samuel 9v1-11v141 SamuelJohn Stevens
June 2008
22nd AM 1 Samuel 16v1-131 SamuelJohn Stevens
29th AM 1 Samuel 16v14-17v381 SamuelJohn Stevens
July 2008
6th PM 1 Corinthians 81 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
27th PM 1 Corinthians 11v2-161 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
September 2008
7th AM 2 Samuel 1v1-2v72 SamuelJohn Stevens
14th AM 2 Samuel 2v8-5v52 SamuelJohn Stevens
14th PM 1 Corinthians 161 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
28th AM 2 Samuel 5v6-6v232 SamuelJohn Stevens
October 2008
19th PM Matthew 5v17-30Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountJohn Stevens
26th PM Matthew 5v21-37Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountJohn Stevens
November 2008
2nd PM Matthew 5v38-48Life in the Kingdom - A Fresh Look at the Sermon on the MountJohn Stevens
December 2008
7th AM 2 Samuel 23v8-24v252 SamuelJohn Stevens
14th AM Luke 1v26-38One OffJohn Stevens
January 2009
4th AM Recap of Luke's GospelLukeJohn Stevens
11th AM Luke 19v45-48LukeJohn Stevens
11th PM CreationAn Inconvenient Truth?John Stevens
18th AM Luke 20v1-18LukeJohn Stevens
March 2009
22nd PM Stewardship: Money and Resources 1Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens
29th PM Stewardship: Money and Possessions 2Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens
April 2009
5th PM Stewardship: Money and Possessions 3Money and PossessionsJohn Stevens
19th AM Luke 24v13-35LukeJohn Stevens
26th AM Luke 24v38-49LukeJohn Stevens
May 2009
3rd AM Luke 24v50-53LukeJohn Stevens
17th PM Malachi 3v6-18Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2009Malachi 3v6-18John Stevens
17th PM Malachi 3v6-18Mission & Ministry Gift Day 2008John Stevens
24th PM Genesis 42v1-38Life of JosephJohn Stevens
June 2009
7th PM Genesis 44v1-47v31Life of JosephJohn Stevens
21st AM 2 Corinthians 3v7-182 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
28th PM 2 Timothy 1v1-122 TimothyJohn Stevens
July 2009
26th AM 2 Corinthians 8v1-242 CorinthiansJohn Stevens
26th PM 2 Timothy 3v1-92 TimothyJohn Stevens
August 2009
9th PM 2 Timothy 4v1-82 TimothyJohn Stevens
January 2010
3rd AM A Passion for the LostLead Up to A Passion for LifeRomans 10John Stevens
17th AM A Parable for LifeLead Up to A Passion for LifeMark 4John Stevens
24th AM A Passion for ChristLead Up to A Passion for LifeMatthew 28v16-20John Stevens
February 2010
7th PM Proverbs and RelationshipsProverbsJohn Stevens
March 2010
21st AM Jeremiah 29v1-14 & Romans 8v28-30One OffJohn Stevens
21st PM Hebrews 1v1-4 & 3v7-4v13One OffJohn Stevens
December 2010
5th AM Matthew 1v18-25One OffJohn Stevens
January 2011
9th PM The Dignity Of WorkWork2 Thessalonians 3v6-15; 1 Timothy 5v11-15; Genesis 1v26-28; Genesis 3v16-19; Philippians 4v11-13John Stevens
16th PM The Difficulty Of WorkWorkEphesians 6v5-8John Stevens
March 2012
4th AM Unbelievable?MatthewMatthew 16v21-17v23John Stevens
4th PM Sovereignty & EvangelismSovereigntyActs 13v26-42John Stevens
November 2012
4th PM FIEC 90th Anniversary Celebration John Stevens
4th PM FIEC 90th Anniversary Service (joint service)John Stevens
September 2013
8th PM Praying for Gods's protectionTeach us to pray - learning to pray from JesusJohn Stevens
January 2014
12th PM Why share the gospel?Luke 15v1 - 32John Stevens
June 2015
28th AM How God's Kingdom comesMark's GospelMark 4v26-34John Stevens
July 2016
3rd PM FIEC Joint CelebrationOne Off tbaJohn Stevens
August 2016
7th AM Go and tell - our glorious mission for our glorious KingOne OffIsaiah 6:1 - 13John Stevens
