John Taylor
29th PM | 1 Corinthians 71 CorinthiansJohn Taylor |
31st PM | Genesis 43v1-45v28Life of JosephJohn Taylor |
12th AM | 2 Corinthians 5v11-6v22 CorinthiansJohn Taylor |
21st PM | Proverbs and AlcoholProverbsJohn Taylor |
2nd PM | 2 Peter 1v12-212 PeterJohn Taylor |
8th PM | God Will Not Let You Be Tempted Beyond What You Can BearThis We Know: God's Precious Promises1 Corinthians 10v13John Taylor |
27th AM | The Kingdom ExtendsMatthewMatthew 8v1-34John Taylor |
1st AM | Psalm 1PsalmsJohn Taylor |
4th AM | Questioning GodOne OffJob 40John Taylor |
26th PM | Sovereignty & ProvidenceSovereigntyMatthew 6v25-34John Taylor |
15th PM | AccessOne OffEphesians 3v7-13John Taylor |
15th PM | The Good SamaritanParables in LukeLuke 10v25-37John Taylor |
19th AM | ResurrectionActs 2v36John Taylor |
1st AM | Praying for God's forgivenessTeach us to pray - learning to pray from JesusJohn Taylor |
12th PM | The SowerMore than a story: The parables of JesusLuke 8v1-15John Taylor |