Parables in Luke
8th PM | The SowerParables in LukeLuke 8v1-15Dan Cottle | |
15th PM | The Good SamaritanParables in LukeLuke 10v25-37John Taylor | |
22nd PM | The Rich FoolParables in LukeLuke 12v13-21Hugh Thomson | |
29th PM | The Great BanquetParables in LukeLuke 14v15-24Richard Iley |
5th PM | The Lost SonParables in LukeLuke 15v11-32Hugh Thomson | |
12th PM | The Shrewd ManagerParables in LukeLuke 16v1-15Howard Jackson | |
26th PM | The Persistent WidowParables in LukeLuke 18v1-8David Shaw | |
26th PM | Luke 18v1-8 - The Persistent WidowParables in LukeLuke 18v1-8David Shaw |
2nd PM | The Pharisee & the Tax CollectorParables in LukeLuke 18v9-14Adam Cooper | |
2nd PM | The Pharisee and the Tax CollectorParables in LukeLuke 18v9-14Adam Cooper | |
9th PM | The Ten MinasParables in LukeLuke 19v11-22John Rochfort |