0-4 Years

City Kreche

0-1 year olds

Babies under the age of one are welcome to join us in creche every Sunday morning. There is also space next to creche for nursing mothers.

Sunday School City Church Sunday School is for children aged one to ten, and runs during the morning service, from the children's talk in the main service until the service finishes at 12.00. We leave the adults in the service and continue upstairs in the nursery block and downstairs in the school hall.

Krawlers and Kickers sing together upstairs, then split into two groups upstairs. Kidz and Kidz Plus sing together downstairs, then split into two groups downstairs in the other hall.

We teach the Bible to all these groups, following on from the children's talk in the service, which often follows or complements what the adults are being taught.

City Krawlers

1-2 year olds

We meet in a large nursery room with spaces to play and work at the tables.

We sing, listen to the Bible stories, colour pictures and stick on things relating to the Bible stories.

City Kickers

3-4 year olds

We play with toys and read books, then listen to Bible teaching and do simple crafts related to the Bible teaching.The teaching series follows the children's talk in the morning service.